The festive season is upon us, and we from August Eyewear would like to wish everyone a merry and joyful season and the best wishes for the new year.

December is also a time of reflection. Reflection on the past year. But also a time to recalibrate that vision of who we are, and our desires and focus for 2020.
2019 was an exciting year for us, and we hope that you have enjoyed it as much as we did.
If you would like to start 2020 with a new vision and look, be quick to come in store this or next week as we will still be able to process and deliver your order before the start of the New Year!
As an added benefit; ordering now will help you utilize your eye care allowances from your private health insurance for 2019 and 2020!!
In case you would just require a service for your eyewear, please remember that we are here for you should you want us to clean, or adjust your eyewear.
And of course, we will be here for you in 2020 as your independent optician with the worlds best designer eyewear.
Chaz and Robyna